Microneedling is a technique used by certain dermatologists to treat various skin problems. Multiple small, sterilized needles are used to penetrate the skin and induce physical stress. This damage causes the derma, the skin’s deeper layer, to regenerate.

Microneedling may assist with a variety of skin issues, including:

  • Scarring
  • Alopecia
  • Stretch marks
  • Loose skin, such as liposuction or weight loss
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne
  • Skin pigmentation issues
  • Rosacea

It may also help in skin rejuvenation.

Furthermore, professionals may employ microneedling for acne to deposit medicine deeper into the skin, like vitamin C or topical tretinoin. This may help with a multitude of conditions, including acne scars.

Continue reading to discover more about microneedling, how it works, and if it has any side effects for acne scars.

How Does Microneedling Work?

By applying stress to the skin, microneedling for acne stimulates the creation of collagen and other healing factors.

Collagen is an important protein that helps maintain skin appearing young by keeping it tight, smooth, and elastic. Aging produces a decrease in collagen in the skin, which contributes to wrinkles and other aging indications. Injuries to the skin, like stretch marks, acne scarring, or other scars, may also cause collagen loss.

It is critical to understand that microneedling is a slow treatment since it includes forming new skin. It may take many months to see the full effects of the procedure.

Does Microneedling for Acne Hurt?

Although microneedling is not unpleasant, it may be uncomfortable, particularly for people who are scared of needles.

Microneedling punctures the dermis with small needlepoints, stimulating the body’s collagen and elastin synthesis, resulting in younger, smoother-looking skin. While many patients equate it to having sandpaper softly scraped over their skin, some report acute discomfort during treatment.

Is Microneedling for Acne Effective?

Microneedling is one of the most effective and easy acne treatments. It produces smoother skin, fewer skin flaws, and improved skin moisture. It is beneficial to a wide range of patients.

The procedure of microneedling for acne is excellent acne and scarring treatment. However, when there are open lesions, patients must avoid microneedling. People with skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis may not be good candidates, as well. Also, pregnant women should avoid having the treatment.

Does Microneedling for Acne Scars Reduce Appearance?

Microneedling tools are little needles (often 0.5 mm-1 mm) that softly penetrate the skin and generate small lesions. These wounds are almost undetectable, yet your skin understands the need to mend itself and makes more collagen. This increase in collagen synthesis aids in the smoothing of scars, wrinkles, and fine lines.

After a few treatments, most patients report a significant decrease in acne scars. Pockmarks or deep scars are reduced, and skin texture and tone are improved in as little as three sessions. The resulting skin will be smoother, brighter, and firmer! Even individuals who do not have acne scars will see an improvement in their skin.

One treatment every four to six weeks is the suggested treatment regimen. Three to four treatments are advised to get the best results, with annual follow-up treatments afterward.

Microneedling Side Effects for Acne Scars

Minor side effects should be anticipated at first with this procedure. Inflammation, bruising, and redness are examples of these. However, symptoms should go away in a few days.

Avoid direct sun exposure and strenuous activity for the first several days following your microneedling operation. Exfoliants and alcohol-based skin products may exacerbate negative effects, so avoid them.

Acne outbreaks are also possible after skin needling. These, however, must be moderate and resolved on their own. Picking at your skin might lead to further scars.

Furthermore, the extent of microneedling side effects is partly determined by how well you prepare for the treatment. Tanning or direct sun exposure might irritate your skin, exacerbating the irritation. Drinking lots of water the day before and throughout your treatment hours may also help lessen the risk of inflammation and bruising. You should also avoid wearing cosmetics on your visit.

Moreover, microneedling for acne is considered less invasive than more invasive skin procedures. Depending on their side effects, many individuals return to work the day following their treatment. If you wish to hide any redness or bruises, use a little powder.

If you scar easily, you should see a doctor since microneedling might result in additional scars on top of the ones created by acne. Finally, if you are pregnant or have recently received skin radiation therapy, you should avoid this treatment.


Acne scars may fade on their own with time. However, these are still ped creams, which may help improve scars on your face but may not eliminate them. Furthermore, the benefits fade after you stop utilizing the goods.

A dermatologist can advise whether microneedling for acne is the best option for you. Before deciding on microneedling, consider all your alternatives to find the safest and most cost-effective long-term treatment option. Some anti-aging serums use an approach while also producing the desired benefits.