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Do women really need testosterone? Yes. Testosterone in women is an important hormone. However, too much or too little testosterone can cause a number of unwanted symptoms. Understanding those symptoms and how balancing your hormones can positively impact your life is a great first step to improving your overall health and wellness.

You’re in the right place.

Low Testosterone in women

Rediscover Your Vitality

What are the benefits of balancing your testosterone levels as a women?

  • Increase sexual desire and improve libido
  • Strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis
  • Strengthen muscles and reduce muscle loss
  • Increase fat burning, especially in the mid-section
  • Increase energy
  • Decrease fatigue
  • Improve well being
  • Reduce insulin resistance and the risks of developing type 2 diabeties
  • Improve cognition and help prevent brain fog and possibly Alzheimer’s disease

The bottom line…

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low testosterone in men

What are the Symptoms of low Testosterone in Women?

Low testosterone (or testosterone deficiency) is when the body isn’t making enough testosterone to function optimally. The symptoms of low testosterone in women is similar to those in men.

Women with low testosterone may experience fatigue, low sex drive, and muscle weakness. It can also lead to osteoporosis, heart disease, and put you at risk of type 2 diabetes.

What are the Symptoms of High Testosterone in Women?

High levels of testosterone in women can lead to a range of challenging symptoms, including anovulation, infertility, hair loss, unexpected weight gain, acne, as well as issues related to aggression or agitation.

These symptoms can significantly impact a woman’s overall well-being and quality of life. Some common underlying causes of elevated testosterone levels in women are conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), adrenal gland disorders, or the use of external steroids for medical purposes or performance enhancement.

Identifying and addressing the root cause of high testosterone is crucial for effective management and treatment.

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What are the treatment options for women with high or low testosterone levels?

A testosterone deficiency is treated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which is prescribed by a doctor. Once started, testosterone replacement therapy is usually continued for life, but may change over time as the body’s needs change.

There are a few options available for treating high testosterone in women, depending on your body’s needs. In some cases an oral contraceptive is used. In others, anti-androgens or other hormone therapy may be a better solution.

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Testosterone in Women — FAQs

What is normal level of testosterone in women?

Normal testosterone levels in women range from 15 to 70 ng/dL.  Testing your levels is done with a simple blood test.

How to treat testosterone issues in women?

The treatment for low testosterone in women is testosterone replacement therapy.

Testosterone can be replaced with creams, injections and/or pellet therapy.

For high testosterone, you may be prescribed oral contraceptives or an anti-androgen hormone therapy.

Who treats low testosterone in women?

Doctors that specialize in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) are best suited to treat low testosterone.

Primary Care, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine and Endocrinologists usually treat low testosterone as well.

Can low testosterone cause hair loss?

Yes, low testosterone can cause hair loss in women.

Can low testosterone cause mood swings?

Yes.  High testosterone levels in women can cause increased agitation and aggression.

In turn, low testosterone can cause depression.

Does low testosterone cause weight gain?

Yes.  Lower than normal testosterone levels can cause unexplained weight gain. It can also make it hard to lose weight or gain muscle.

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